Lately I noticed a few things from and with people around me. Mostly it happens with the ladies.
One may find oneself with a friend who only talks about herself, "I got a new hairdo", I got this Prada pair for close to nothing", " I feel so fat" , "I did this lately" , "Oh no, Lemme tell you this" , " Oh my gosh I got my car polished blah blah" . Okay if we are so comfortable around each other and these kind of statements are made, half or for some time, that is cool. But if you do the listening 95% of the time you may be bending too much, or your friend is just super stuck up and this is no healthy for a relationship. I find it annoying, how about you?
I don't know why we keep this kind of people around us, sometimes after being around your friend you have to put your head in the fridge, oh no!or just throw yourself onto bed with a tub of ice cream. Friends are the people we choose to have around, one better choose wise and one should know that putting up with this kind of inconsideration from other people is a bad impact on one's self esteem, and self esteem is like a muscle, it is only good if it is active. One has a high self esteem when one can disengage from unhealthy associations and go for only gold, putting up with what does not work for you is like you are saying " I doubt I deserve any better", "no one will want to hang out with me, at least she does" and you will feel horrible- period!
There are all sorts of bad associations and signs of them, I got one sentence for all of our associations " If it's not building you up, It's breaking you down"
Check these out:
You feel drained. A toxic friendship is emotionally
draining because the relationship is essentially unequal: the person
takes from you, but never gives back. They may be the unabashedly
self-absorbed type who talks endlessly about how great their life is but
never wastes two words to inquire about yours. Or, they might be the
Debbie Downer sort of emotional vampire who you can count on to suck the
fun out of every good time with their perpetual “woe is me” act.
They’re reliably unreliable. Toxic friends seem to make
a habit of saying one thing and doing another. Whether they out-and-out
lie or they just don’t respect commitments, the frenemy is chronically
two-faced and flakey.
They undermine your other relationships. Since they’re
scared to death that you’ll eventually dump them and stop giving them
the one-sided attention they so desperately crave, a toxic friend will
usually try to undermine your other relationship.
Do you feel emotionally drained when you are with her?
Do you come away from her feeling depressed?
When you talk, does it feel like she isn't listening or just doesn't get it?
Do you dread her phone calls?
Do you hate when you see her screen name online when you look at your buddy list?
Are her emails too long to read?
Does she always choose to spend her time with men, over you, given the opportunity?
The people may have lovely qualities also, and one wouldn't wanna lose out on that. So it might be good to confront your friends about how you feel and if it does not work, I got a better way: RUN AWAY, DON'T WALK REALLY, RUN! The longer you linger the harder it is to break away. And if one keeps one person like this in one's life it is gonna be easy to let someone else do it also, then one ends up with a bunch of toxic friends, you may end up with a loser of a boyfriend too, because you are setting yourself up as a walkover.
Reclaim your power and be all for yourself,
if you don't support your own party,
how do you expect us to?