Monday, 19 August 2013

Energy and Happiness correlation.

Being an expert in so many things by default of being alive is a gift that should not be taken for granted. It is not really because we are alive but because mother nature has been so friendly to us. The world is dangerous, the forests are thorny, yet we survive. We know where to hang out and where not to, either because mommy said not to, you saw Kwena do the same thing and got in trouble or because of personal experience. Being forewarned is being forearmed! But you cannot question the fact that sometimes it is too easy to give into the temptation of exploring your own threads.

Anyway I want to focus on happiness today. The positive correlation between happiness and energy. Happiness is self-defined. Some people can be happy at a funeral as they choose to celebrate the time they shared with the deceased or the deceased's life as a whole. Others can be grumpy for the person not living longer and not spending 'enough' time with them. It all depends on our perspective. This is an extreme example but one can get the idea.

When one is sad it goes without question that one will also be lethargic and have no interest in doing any activity. We are  meant to be in a constant state of being. This is becoming something better or worse. We are not created to be in a static state. Being lethargic makes one resent oneself. So the more lethargic and inactive you are, the more sad you will get and this will go on in a cycle until you find a way out of it. If one does not find a way of dealing with the sadness soon enough, depression sets in and the sadness and lethargy feed each other forward. 

When one has energy, one can do more and enjoy a sense of satisfaction, satisfaction and happiness go hand in  hand. When one can go to the supermarket with ease, meet up with friends when it pleases one,  and perform at one's peak one feels happy. When one is engaged in physical activities endorphins are secreted making one feel happier. So having energy makes one happier. It is easy to dismiss the notion that walking the dog when is one sad can soothe  one. One cannot expect complete utopia but there is definitely an elevation of that which is good. 

It is important to eat well, exercise and drink coffee (if that's where your energy comes from) to keep ourselves happy or at an optimal position to reach one's goals. When I am sad I have neither energy nor interest to do my tasks. I believe this applies to many other people.  So next time let's start our day with some energetic regime. Telling oneself in the mirror that one is awesome and energetic can also tip the scale in one's favor. Positive affirmations contribute well to our well being. I have great love for Susan Jeffers, many times when I am alone I celebrate the legacy she left by repeating affirmations to myself. They do work. Not instantaneously most times but effectively.  Check out her work here  and you will also find a free book on affirmations. Whatever way we choose, being happy is a birthright we cannot afford not to have. 

To being happier and at our best ******