Monday, 14 May 2012

Sometime We Gotta Let Go

I learnt something I wanna share with all of you today. Sometimes life does not go as you plan it, it may seem as if it is going wrong at the moment.Accept that. Sometimes you may be amazed at how miraculous things turn out. Accept that. You may plan to be a nurse and end up marrying a king to be a housewife in style, with 4 princes and 4 princesses. That is what is meant for you. An extent of our lives is under our control, while an extent is not. It is the acceptance of this amazing balance that makes one's life worthwhile. Your past is beyond your control, your future is beyond your control. If you spend the only moment you have under control fearing the future and regretting or worrying about the past you will miss out on your own life - period! You only have the present moment in control. Take advantage of it, cherish it, work on your goals, dream large, forgive your enemies, eat the best food, take such good care of yourself, spend time with your loved one. Be at peace and relish your blessings. Sometimes you need to hit the wall to notice that that there are obstacles in every path of life, sometimes you need to be hurt to notice that only God is worth your full trust, sometimes you need to lose your wallet to notice that you need to be careful with your investment funds. We just need to look hard into these experiences to get what we want, if you cannot see the lesson now, believe that there must be a reason for your situation and one day it will show up. If you believe in a Higher Power then you know that the trees are here for your relish, the shade is here for your protection, the ocean flows for your appreciation, the birds sing for your pleasure and everything good is meant for you. If anything bad happens you know it was NOT meant for your permanence, you are here for a good course and a good ride, if your ride breaks fix it quick! and carry on. The mud is not meant for you, but bliss and peace, all the good that you can suck out of life , suck them all, if you suck enough share with your companions.

To the good life that is rightly yours and more**


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