Sunday, 3 March 2013

A good look at where I am

Its been quite a year , I shall not say a hectic one, but its quite challenging. Struggling to find a good place to stay, moving and working at my degree simultaneously. There is just so much going on, in my mind also. It would be a dream come true to complete my degree in one year, just started changing my plans to work on this new idea, now turning into a timely goal.
I cannot believe it is May already I feel like I have done so little, wooooh. I would love to  learn two languages this year, Arabic and another. Definitely not Afrikaans, I know hey...The books we read in high school do have a long term effect. If you would like to know why I intend not to learn Afrikaans please take a short journey through my high school read "Mine boy".
I think I  just wanna read Arabic properly, no interest in speaking it yet. The other language I wanna learn is only conversational. An acquaintance of  mine once said, " hey, you are always speaking in English it makes you appear as if you are foreigner among your people..."
I love to think she was mean but hey maybe its time I spend some time in Soweto and some townships when I go home, the people who stay here are sure multilingual. I bet ngi zo khuluma in no time, and simultaneously ndi zo thetha. Investing in my relationships with the Tsonga and Venda people will get me greeting with nda and vho macheroni in no time too.
These languages don't make the second language I wanna  learn,I would keep it a secret until I can speak it and in the mean time feel free to guess. 
Sometimes I wonder if I am ever gonna get  married, who am I gonna marry, hmm, the mind, it's keeping me enslaved at my permission. My life is not turning out the way I planned when I was under 18. I think some things have to be done, I can't afford to feel this way in my thirties lest  I get into a mid-life crisis. 
I wonder how everyone else is feeling about their lives...

To holding on and pressing harder and to living only the life we envisioned ...Lots of warm hugs to my SA readers, keep warm in this passing winter, it too shall pass. If you love winter, then whooop whoooop it's here!


Shane said...

This does explain a couple of things about you.

Anonymous said...

love ur posts, pls post more often

Missy R said...

I am glad you enjoyed my post Shane.