Sunday 14 October 2012


It is amazing how I have noticed that the working  class people, the ones who labor for their supper and drink tea for breakfast are the easiest to give, they know the pain and value of sacrifice and when they give all that they have left, they know they will be hungry like the beggar, but they still give. They don't give because they have plenty where that penny comes from, but they give because it is their due.

Our duty in life is to give, to give love, money,time and other things that may be required of us. When you were born, the air was just at the right pressure for your little lungs, the water was at the right temperature at all time, your  mother's milk was at the right consistency and the earth had so much  space for you.

Why is it that we are so inclined to feel  that others owe us this much, the world owe us such and such. The next time you wanna cry go outside because nobody owes you  nothing, and all that you have is for use.

That is selflessness, you need no religion for it, and you may not like it, but you are missing out on the bliss that you could have if you lived from motivation of simplicity.

Live with the spirit of "apres vous", after you.

Try giving things you love instead of the ones you have no use for if the need arises.

Friday 5 October 2012

I always have a choice

Sometimes I feel kike giving up on my goals, Sometimes I feel like carrying on.  I can choose to follow  the instinctive feeling or to do something else.

I always have a choice in any situation and so do you. At the end of any decision are goodies, never do we make wrong decisions, they were meant to be there, embrace the goodies with grace ad move onto the next chapter.

I choose to study, obtain my degree and look forward to whatever unfolds after this. What are you facing now? What decisions do you have to make?

Ever forward and better!